15/03/21 update
I have completed illustrations for sunflower, hyacinth and lotus. Firstly sunflower: The meanings of the sunflower are: "Ambition; Constancy; Devotion; False appearance; False riches; Flexibility; Good luck; Haughtiness; Healing; Homage; Inspiration; Lofty thoughts; Loyalty; Nourishment; Opportunity; Power; Pride; Pure; Pure and lofty thoughts; Spiritual attainment; Strength; Unhappy love; Vitality; Warmth; Wealth." Dietz, S. Theresa. The Complete Language of Flowers (Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia) (p. 104). Wellfleet Press. Kindle Edition. I found evidence to suggest that sunflowers can be used to clean up uranium in soil. Apparently, fields have been planted at Chernobyl and Fukushima to try and reduce the long-term impact of a nuclear meltdown on the environment. Also, sunflowers were the symbol of the Sunflower Student Movement in Taiwan since sunflowers implied positivity and hope for the future. My initial idea was to do an anti-nuclear protester and that evo...